Monday, June 3, 2019

Rate of Diffusion of Potassium permanganate, Potassium dichromate, and Methylene blue1

Rate of Diffusion of Potassium permanganate, Potassium dichromate, and methylene radical blue11The work of Molecular Weight and Time on the Rate of Diffusionof Potassium permanganate, Potassium dichromate, and Methylene blue1scientific paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in GeneralBiology I laboratory under Prof. Diana Rose Gonzales, 1st sem., 2013 2014_2ABSTRACTThe effect of molecular exercising weight and epoch on the regularize of scattering of honey oil permanganate, super C dichromate, and methylene blue was testedusing a petri dish of agar piss gelatine with three wells.The three substances were dropped simultaneously inthe petri dish. Potassium permanganate (MW158g/mole) increase rapidly (14.50 mm) whileMethylene blue (MW 374 g/mole) gradually increased(9.50 mm) only. Thus, molecular weight and cartridge holderaffects the enumerate of diffusion. displayDiffusion is a movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to anarea of lower concentration. The particles will fuse when they are evenly distributed andhave reached equilibrium.Potassium permanganate, potassium dichromate, and methylene blue aresubstances utilize as indicators and oxidizing agents. Potassium permanganate is used inorganic compounds and used commercially to purify water and sanitizer. It is chemicallyused to regulate certain reducing compounds. Potassium dichromate is used to determineethanol concentrations in solutions and determine the presence and purity of silver.Researches also suggest that potassium dichromate functions as an agent that causegenetic mutation against DNA repair deficient strains of Escherichia coli. Lastly,methylene blue is used as dye to mention bacteria and nucleic acids. The dye will havethe deepest shade of blue when in contact with acids.As indicators and oxidizing agents, the substances stated above must prove thattheir diffusion must be fast in order to do their functions. Due to their difference inmolec ular weight, a test was conducted to prove what substance is more recommendable_3to be used in getting the rate of diffusion. To further verify the experiment rate ofdiffusion was also tested with time. To test this, agar water gel is one of the materialswas used. Agar water gel is a substance that functions as a thickener, stabilizer, andemulsifier since it do not melt at room temperature until it is change to 85oC and more.Also, with a stopwatch the substances were dance stepd (mm) at a regular three minuteinterval for thirty minutes.The study aims to determine the effect of molecular weight and time on the ratediffusion of potassium permanganate, potassium dichromate, and methylene blue. Thespecific objectives are1. to prove that molecular weight affects the rate of diffusion and2. to formulate why molecular weight must also be observed with timeMATERIALS AND METHODSIn testing the effect of molecular weight and time on the rate of diffusion ofpotassium permanganate, potass ium dichromate, and methylene blue, agar water gelwas used. Three bottles with dropper containing the substances and a petri dish with agar water gel were given to each group. As three pieces of the group dropped allsubstances together in the wells of the agar water gel, the stopwatch startedsimultaneously with it. One member measured each wells of the agar water gel with aruler to get the sign measurement (mm) of the wells. The group then drew the initialappearance of the experiment ( experience 4.1.). One member was assigned to signal thegroup if three minutes have passed and the member of the group who is assigned to_4measure the wells will immediately but carefully measure the area with the ruler. Therewas a regular three minute interval for thirty minutes. later thirty minutes, the group then drew the final appearance of the experimentFigure 4.2. Also, the group computed for the average of the substances by adding all thedata that were gathered divided up by number of ti me intervals. To test the effect of time onthe rate of diffusion the data gathered were computed by partial rate. Partial rate iscomputed by subtracting the diameter of colored area immediately (di-1) before thediameter of colored area at a given time (d1) divided by the time when d1 was measured(t1) minus the time immediately before t1 (ti 1). Again, the average of each substanceswere computed by adding all the date divided by the number of time intervals. A interpretcomparing the average rate of diffusion of each substance was plotted against itsmolecular weight in Figure 4.3. Also, a graph comparing the partial rate of diffusion ofeach substance was plotted against the time elapsed in Figure 4.4_5Potassium dichromateMethylene bluePotassium permanganateFigure 4.1. Initial appearance of the substances in the agar water gel wells.Potassium dichromateMethylene bluePotassium permanganateFigure 4.2. Final appearance of the substances in the agar water gel wells._6RESULTS AND DISCUS SIONSAs seen in Table 4.2, potassium permanganate (MW 158 g/mole) has the highestaverage rate of diffusion with 11.32 mm/min, followed by potassium dichromate (MW294 g/mole) with 10.86 mm/min, and methylene blue (MW 374 g/mole) with 7.95mm/min. In Table 4.3, potassium permanganate has the highest partial order of diffusionwith 0.35 mm/min, followed by potassium dichromate with 0.32 mm/min, and methyleneblue with 0.19 mm/min. This results shows that molecular weight has an effect in the rateof diffusion. When the molecular weight is lower then the rate of diffusion will be higher center they have an indirect relationship. Also, with time the rate of diffusion of thesubstances decreased, meaning time and the rate of diffusion has an indirect relationship._7SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONThe effect of molecular weight and time on the rate of diffusion of potassiumpermanganate, potassium dichromate, and methylene blue was determined. Eachsubstance was dropped simultaneously with each other into the petri dish with agar water gel. With a stopwatch the time was observed with an interval of three minuets inthirty minutes. After thirty minutes, the average of the circumference and the partial ratesof diffusion were computed.Results showed that potassium permanganate (MW 158 g/mole) which has theleast molecular weight had the highest average rate of diffusion compared to methyleneblue (MW 374 g/mole), which has the greatest molecular weight among the three. Intime, the circumference (mm/min) of each substance increased since there was diffusionin the agar water gel wells.Hence, molecular weight and time has an effect in the increase, decrease,slowness, and fastness of the diffusion of substances. Nevertheless, furtherexperiment must be done to improve the results of the experiment. It isrecommended to use other substances, a different medium other than the agar water gel,a longer time period to test the diffusion, a more stable environment, and have more trialsto observe bet ter results._11LITERATURE CITEDDean, John A. Lange&aposs Handbook of interpersonal chemistry, twelfth ed. McGraw-Hill Book Company New York, NY, 1979 p 94-994.Ebbing, Darrell D. General Chemistry 3rd ed. Houghton Mifflin Company Boston, MA, 1990 p 137.Andrew Mills, David Hazafy, John A. Parkinson, Tell Tuttle and Michael G. HutchingsThe Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2009, 113 (34), 9575-9576Chongmok Lee, Yoo Wha Sung, and Joon Woo ParkThe Journal of Physical ChemistryB1999, 103 (5), 893-898_

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