Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Significant Advances in Nursing Science and Resarch Research Paper

Significant Advances in Nursing Science and Resarch - Research Paper Example Today, with the developments of technology among others, the field of nursing is increasingly being confronted to respond to the changing time by engaging in different aspects and field in order to effectively contribute to the entire health care system. Nursing research therefore, has developed deeper understanding into key areas such as the practice itself, education, informatics and on administration. Currently, lot of nursing researches center on how assessment of healthcare technologies should be done; examples would be providing a wider scope of clinical researches, service organization and nursing interventions. Despite the acknowledgement of nursing research in several aspects resulting to noteworthy improvements in their knowledge, still there is much work yet to be done, most especially in the area of research-based knowledge (Polit and Beck). Figure 1. A nurse and nursing research. (ill. by Nursing Jobs LLC, 2007 & Bernadette Lau, 2007) Importance of research science in nu rsing With the type of work nursing is involved, there is a rising need for nursing to embrace a practice that is evidence based or is referred to as evidence-based practice (EBP). ... be considered as best evidence are those that result from rigorous researches and studies; hence the compelling need for nurses and those in the nursing fled to continually engage in researches using effective and sound research methods (Polit and Beck). At the economic standpoint, the gripping needs to engage in continuous research and development in the area is also a reaction to the pressing need of making healthcare not only cost efficient and sustainable, but most importantly, it should be available to the broadest possible number of people. Healthcare is becoming more and more of a social concept nowadays as manifested in the health care planning schemes of many modern countries. The nursing profession, which constitutes a major bulk of the healthcare industry must see this relevance and should start restructuring how it caters to the consumers, to insurance agencies, to government agencies and other parties involved. The goal of continued research would undoubtedly identify an d eliminate any unnecessary practice that do not promote cost-efficient healthcare – in short, best evidence practices. For example, in Europe health care concerns centers on the ageing population, the need to have patients to be discharged earlier in hospitals, the commonness of chronic disease, and highlighting the rise of the need of informal health caregivers – these factors spelled the need for a multi-disciplinary nature of nursing. Since nurses remained to have a significant chunk of the group providing health care, they are largely accountable for quality care giving condition – however, it is admitted (in the case of Europe) that research culture in the area of both nursing and care giving. There are only a number of countries in Europe that have made efforts in enhancing

Monday, October 28, 2019

Assessment for Learning Essay Example for Free

Assessment for Learning Essay The Assessment Reform Group (2002) identifies ten principles to guide classroom practice in assessment for learning . Choose five of particular relevance to your practice and evaluate them in relation to the pupil experience in your school. Assessment for learning (AFL) is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to be and how to achieve their goal. Black and William (1998) in their research on the use of formative assessment in the classroom found ten principles of assessment which guide classroom practice in AFL. (Assessment Reform Group, 2003) The school I work in is a city based multi cultural school. UIS caters for children from all backgrounds and inclusion is of importance to our setting. I work in key stage 1 as a HLTA. I do PPA cover throughout the year 1 classes and I cover when a teacher is away wherever possible. The subjects I teach are the foundation subjects which are History, Geography, R. S and Music. I plan, implement and assess these subjects. In UIS, we believe that effective assessment provides information to improve teaching and learning. To do this in our school, we undertake two different but complementary types of assessment: assessment for learning and assessment of learning Assessment for learning (formative assessment) involves the use of assessment in the classroom to raise pupil achievements. It is based on the idea that pupils will improve most, if they understand the aim of their learning, where they are in relation to this aim, and how they can achieve this aim i.e. to close the gap in their knowledge. Assessment of learning (summative assessment) involves judging pupils’ performance against national standards. Teachers may make this judgement at the end of a unit of work, a term, a year, or if a key stage. We give our children regular feedback on their learning so they understand what it is that they need to do better. Research has shown that their involvement in the review process raises standards, and that it empowers pupils to take action towards improving their performance. The objectives of this assessment are: to enable our children to demonstrate what they know, understand and can do their work; to help our children recognise the standards to aim for, and to understand what they need to do next to improve their work; to allow teachers to plan work that accurately reflects the needs of each child; to provide regular information for the parents and carers that enables them to support their child’s learning; to provide the head teacher and governors with information that allows them to make a judgement about the effectiveness of the school. To support our teaching, we use the Early Years Foundation Stage guidance, the Primary Framework literacy and mathematics schemes of work based on National Curriculum objectives. We assess children at the end of each unit of work to help us identify each child’s level of attainment. The first principle that I will be discussing is that assessment for learning should be part of effective planning of teaching and learning. The teachers plan their lessons with clear learning objectives. We base these upon the teacher’s detailed knowledge of each child. UIS strive to ensure that all tasks set are appropriate to each child’s ability. Our lesson plans make clear the expected outcomes of each lesson. (Appendix 1) Teachers always share the lessons learning objectives with the children as the lesson begins. They also indicate the way in which the activity is linked to the learning objective, and the criteria against which the work will be judged which is the success criteria. Teachers ask well phrased questions and analyse pupils’ responses to find out what they know, understand and can do, and to reveal their misconceptions. We identify those individual children who do not achieve, or exceed, the expected level for the lesson, and we use this information when planning for the next lesson. Targets are set for end of Key Sage 1 and approved by Governors and the local Authority. UIS set year group targets in Mathematics, Reading and Writing for all our classes, during each academic year. These are expected levels of achievement reached by the end of the year for the majority of children and the more able in class. In Foundation1, staffs know that the next step children need to take is through systematic observation. These are shared with parents and talked through with children where appropriate. In Foundation 2 children have individual reading targets and group writing targets. In Key Stage 1 all children have individual and group targets in reading, writing and maths. Children’s targets are passed over to parents and carers, the progress of each child at the end of each term is reviewed, and revised targets are set. UIS recognise various methods of assessing a child’s learning. The type of assessment that our school make varies from subject to subject. We assess informally throughout the term, based on observations made by teachers or support staff. Every week I annotate assessment of the class I teach on my plan(appendix 2) and at the end of term fill out the assessment sheet. (Appendix 3) These observations are recorded in a variety of temporary formats, such as post-it notes, and are used to inform the Foundation Stage Profile or National Curriculum levels. We take the objectives for individual lessons from the board learning objectives within the school’s curriculum plan. These in turn reflect the demands of the National Curriculum / EYFS. The teachers record the progress of each child against these board objectives. This enables them to make a  judgement about the work each child in relation to national standards and allows them to monitor the progress of each child. Each teacher passes this information on to the next teacher at the end of each year. ` Teachers can review the rate of progress by looking at work in pupils’ folders or exercise books and by the marks in the record books. They can then use this to adjust day to day teaching and plan further work. One way to improve manageability would be to make a note only of those pupils who achieve significantly above or below the expected outcomes of a task’ (QCA, p. 3). The second principle that I will be discussing is how assessment for learning focuses on how students learn. ` If children don’t learn the way we teach perhaps we should teach the way they learn (Eppig, 1981). ’ The process of learning has to be in the minds of both the learner and the teacher. Assessment for learning helps those pupils, who do not always find learning easy, to make progress. ‘Planning for personalised learning focuses on what teachers need to do ,individually and collaboratively ,to develop assessment for learning and personalise learning by establishing supportive conditions for learning’(AFL,Primary Framework). When we do our assessment of a lesson we have to consider the different styles in which pupils learn. Day to day assessments is an on going and essential part of teaching and learning. Teachers and children continually reflect on how learning is progressing, see where improvements can be made and identify the next steps to take (national strategies standard) . When undertaking assessment of pupils, teachers use their knowledge of individual children in deciding on how to go about assessing the pupil. `Research on grading pupils, shows that children are less motivated and often demoralised when they are continually compared to each other. They need to know the criteria for the next level above ,but they do not need to know what that level is called. (Clarke,2001,p. 74)’ We have to consider the nature and level of support that the pupil receives as part of a normal classroom routine. The tasks and assessments are intended to assess a child’s ability in fair and a comparable way. If a child is a visual learner and for the assessment to be fair to him we adapt the test by having pictures inserted as well as questions. For those children that are auditory learners we read out the questions to the whole class and this enables them to fulfil their learning style. In our setting we have a working wall where the children are able to see what the objective and the success criteria of the lesson are. Appendix 4 On the working wall for the visual learner, we have two eyes to show what the teacher is looking for and ears to show the children to listen. For those children where English is an additional language we have support staff that are available while the test is taking place, so the staff can help where appropriate. Our school aims to be an inclusive school. We actively seek to remove the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude individual pupils, or groups of pupils. We achieve educational inclusion by continually reviewing what we do, by monitoring data, and through asking ourselves questions about the performance of these individuals and groups of pupils. In our setting there is a boy that is very able but his writing skills are very poor. His fine and gross motor skill are underdeveloped so to get the best out of him, he does all his work on the computer which is then assessed. Children that are on the S. E. N . register have their own I. E. P. ’s to work from with their allocated support staff, once their target is achieved they move on to the next target from their P-scales. The third principle that I would like to discuss is that assessment for learning should be recognised as central to classroom practice. Tasks and questions should prompt learners to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and skills. In our setting assessment for learning is recognised as central to classroom practice. In the Foundation unit the teachers usually plan the lesson with the ideas given by children. On a Friday afternoon the teacher has circle time with her class where she starts off with a basic topic and the children then give ideas on what they would like to do around the topic. In considering the ideas of the children it prompts the learners to learn and helps with the ongoing of assessments. I did a lesson on electricity in a year2 class which I was covering . In order for me to assess the children I asked a lot of open questions which prompted them to answer. The open questions gave the children the opportunity and encouraged them to think beyond the literal. ‘Research on wait-time showed that teachers need to leave five seconds after asking children a question, to allow them to respond. This is the optimum time it takes to process the question to formulate the answer (Clarke, 2001. p. 87). After having watched the classroom experiment I was able to take on board the idea of waiting time which I now religiously apply. ` Increasing waiting time after asking questions proved difficult to start with due to my habitual desire to â€Å"add† something almost immediately after asking the original question. The pause after asking the question was sometimes â€Å"painful. † It felt unnatural to have such a seemingly â€Å"dead† period, but I persevered. Given more thinking time, students seemed to realize that a more thoughtful answer was required ‘(D e r e k, Century Island School). The negative side to the waiting time is that some teachers wait for two seconds before they either ask another child or answer the question themselves . Children often then do not try to think of a response, because they know that the answer would be given or another child would be asked to answer. The lesson was very inter-active I was able to assess whether my success criteria was achieved. When I handed the worksheets to the children I had asked them to write the learning objective below the date and to refer to it when they were doing there work. The fourth principle that I would be discussing is that learners should receive constructive guidance about how to improve their learning. `An assessment activity can help learning if it provides information that teachers and their students can use as feedback in assessing themselves and one another and in modifying the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged. Such assessment becomes â€Å"formative assessment† when the evidence is actually used to adapt the teaching work to meet learning needs (Black and William, 1989). Most learners are curious to know how they have done in a task . `Feedback is sometimes seen as part of a behaviourist approach to learning ,where it is part of the sequence stimulus-response –reinforcement (Wragg,2001,p. 27). The aim of marking in our setting is to improve the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom. Whilst doing my researchÃ'Ž I found out that Nancy from Riverside school says that her marking has developed from comments with targets and grades, which is the school policy, to comments and targets only. Pupils do work on targets and corrections more productively if no grades are given. Marking is an integral part of assessment and target setting and the outcomes inform short, medium and long term planning. Its rationale is to enable every child to achieve their full potential. It is recognised that one to one oral feedback is most valuable for young children. It should remind the child of the learning intention and emphasise the positive aspects of the child’s practical or recorded work. ` Various research studies have concluded that feedback is most useful when it focuses on the learning intention of the task rather than other features of the work’(Clarke,2001,p. 50). In our setting the minimal response for all written work is that it should be initialled and dated to acknowledge that it has been seen. Maths work is usually ticked if correct and marked with a bullet point to signify that the answer needs to be checked. In UIS traffic lights are used to indicate whether the child has achieved the success criteria for the task. Green-learning objective met, orange-a few examples of learning objective having been met, red-learning objective not met, need to see the teacher. (Appendix 5). When a child meets the learning objective the work may be underlined or highlighted in some way to acknowledge the child’s success. Smiley faces are used to indicate good effort. Whilst doing my research and talking to other teachers in school I found out that each child gets a detailed feedback of their work at regular intervals. This detailed feedback could be oral or written and should be specific and related to the learning intention set for the particular piece of work. Feedback needs to indicate areas where improvements or next step targets are to focus. It is important to allow children the time to reflect on the feedback and make improvements to a specific piece of work. The fifth principle that I would like to discuss is assessment for learning develop learners’ capacity for self-assessment so that they can become reflective and self managing. `In practice, peer assessment turns out to be an important complement to self-assessment. Peer assessment is uniquely valuable because students may accept criticisms of their work from one another that they would not take seriously if the remarks were offered by a teacher’(Black and William. p. 6). Peer assessment and self-assessment is much more than children marking their own or each other’s work. To improve learning, it must be an activity that engages children with the quality of their work and helps them reflect on how to improve it. Peer assessment enables children to give each other valuable feedback so they learn from and support each other. It adds a valuable dimension to learning: the opportunity to talk, discuss, explain and challenge each other enables children to achieve beyond what they can learn unaided. Peer assessment helps develop self-assessment, which promotes independent learning, helping children to take increasing responsibility for their own progress. `Research shows that if self-evaluation is linked with the learning intention of a task, children’s progress, persistence and self-esteem is improved(Black and William,1998). The development of peer assessment and self-assessment takes planning, time, patience and commitment. When children don’t understand the intended learning outcomes they find it difficult to move beyond superficial criteria related to neatness and spelling. By using a range of strategies and by dedicating time to allow children to reflect on and discuss their learning teachers can develop children’s peer assessment and self-assessment skills. ` Independent learners have the ability to seek out and gain new skills, new knowledge and new understandings. They are able to engage in self-reflection and to identify the next steps in their learning. Teachers should equip learners with desire and the capacity to take charge of their learning through developing the skills of self-assessment (Assessment Reform Group, 2002)’. UIS trains children to use the traffic light system to indicate directly on their work to what extent they feel they have achieved the learning objective of their given task and how secure they feel they are in their learning. This helps the teacher to identify if a child is having any difficulty and this also give the children confidence in seeking help. The negative aspects of using the traffic light system at right at the end of the lesson is that some children who are over confident tend to rank their achievement very high and those children that have low confidence tend to under estimate themselves. Teachers in our setting also encourage children use the thumbs up that is when a child is confident they have achieved what was expected of them, thumbs sideways which indicates that they are half way there in understanding the objective ,but could achieve more and thumbs down which indicates that the child does not really understand and needs a bit more help. In order to develop pupil’s skills with self assessing their work we use prompt questions which the children can think about when reviewing their work. Pupils need to be able to assess their own progress to become more independent learners. ` One of the reasons peer assessment is so valuable is because children often give and receive criticisms of their work more freely than in the traditional teacher/child interchange. Another advantage is that the language used by children to each other is the language they would naturally use, rather than school language’ (Black et al, 2003). We regularly do peer marking which I find very helpful indeed. A lot of misconceptions come to the fore, and we then discuss these as we are going over the work. I then go over the peer marking and talk to pupils individually as I go round the room. Peer evaluation works really well because children learn from each other where they have gone wrong and how to put it right. The advantage of peer assessment is that children get to work with different children and they get a wide idea on how the pupil has achieved their success criteria. Some children assume that the more able children never find anything difficult, but this process makes them aware that all learners find some aspects difficult. After having done all my research I have found that the most important aspect of assessment is to have the learning intention and success criteria in focus. In UIS, with the self –evaluation strategies that we use it develops children’s awareness of their learning needs as well as open doors for teachers to get a better understanding of the pupil. Some teachers tend to give feedback to pupils on areas that are not of much relevance to the objective. It takes a while to get into the habit of giving appropriate and relevant feedback but the strategy is simple, make sure that the learning intention is mentioned first and then talk about the secondary features. If it is necessary to mention the secondary features, then say it in a very low tone to the pupil concerned. `As the research demonstrates, formative assessment makes a significant difference to children’s progress –in their ability to be confident, critical learners, to achieve more than ever before and in raising their self-esteem. In a world of continuing pressure, it is good to know that we are making a real difference to children’s lives. (Clarke, 2001, p139). ’Pupils enjoy finding that other children often have the same thoughts, share similar feelings on a particular subject, and have similar problems or successes whilst doing self-evaluation assessment. Ofsted had done a survey on 43 schools and found that 7 of these schools were inadequate in their assessment for learning. `Where assessment for learning had had less impact, the teachers had not understood how the approaches were supposed to improve pupils’ achievement. In particular, they used key aspects of assessment for learning, such as identifying and explaining objectives, questioning, reviewing pupils’ progress and providing feedback without enough precision and skill. As a result, pupils did not understand enough about what they needed to do to improve and how they would achieve their targets. Teachers did not review learning effectively during lessons; opportunities for pupils to assess their own work or that of their peers were infrequent and not always effective’(Ofsted). Michael Fullan also suggests that many educational innovations have been frustrated by the inherent but understandable ‘conservatism’ of teachers. He suggests that real change will only occur where teacher beliefs about teaching and learning have been significantly altered. Education is littered with examples of innovations that have either failed or only been partially implemented because teachers weren’t convinced the change was necessary and would result in real improvement. The result has been that they merely modify their practice at the edges and then abandon the change after a while because it ‘didn’t work for them’. More effective use of assessment, particularly formative assessment, will require many teachers to reconsider their approach to teaching and learning and to re-evaluate their working practices’(Weeden,2002,p. 127). Therefore if schools and teachers want to make changes they have to have the subject knowledge, be committed and dedicated to continually re-examine their teaching styles. Reference Assessment Reform Group (2002) Assessment for Learning: Ten Principles [online] Available from:www. assessment-reform-group. org. uk [Accessed 19th December 2010]Ã'Ž Black, P. ,and Wiliam,D. (1998). Inside the black box: Raising standards through classroom assessment. Phi Delta Kappan Vol 80, 139-149. [Accessed: 19th December 2010] Clarke,S. (2001). Unlocking formative Assessment . London: Hodder and Stoughton Clarke,S. (2005)Formative Assessment in Action London:Hodder and Stoughton Eppig, P. (1981) Education by design –used in the UK as Critical Skills program by [emailprotected] (Bristol Education Action Zone) Weeden,P. Winter,J. Broadfoot,P. (2002). Assessment-Whats in it for Schools. [online] London: Routledge Falmer. p. 127. Available from: http://northampton. np. eblib. com [Accessed:27th December 2010] Wragg,E. C (2001). Assessment and Learning in the Primary School [online]. London: Routledge Falmer. p. 27. Available from: http://northampton. np. eblib. com [Accessed:27th December 2010] QCA (1999) Keeping Track,Qualification and Curriculum Authority. http://nationalstrategies. standards. dcsf. gov. uk/primary/primaryframework Appendices 1. Lesson plan 2. Annotated Lesson Plan 3. Assessment sheets 4. working wall 5. Traffic lights.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Malcolm X Essay -- segregation, discrimination

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Malcom X was a man known widely for his strong beliefs. His willingness to accept the preaching of Elijah Muhammad and serve him loyaly, was due to his past experiences with the white man. Starting off as a boy in Lansing, next moving to Boston, then living in Harlem, his experinces with various white people shaped his belief system. Towards the end of his life, his interaction with group of very different white people on his pilgrimage brought about a change in his beliefs   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While Malcom X was born in Omaha, Nebraska, most of the important events in his younger years took place after his family moved to Lansing, Michigan. This move occurred after a group of whites burned down their house while 'the white police and firemen came and stood around watching as the house burned to the ground' (p. 3), and were more interested in about the pistol Malcom's father used to shoot at the fleeing arsons. In Lansing, Malcom's father preaches the teachings of Marcus Garvey and his 'Back to Africa' movement. His earliest memories in Lansing are of his family being harassed by the Klu Klux Klan and the Black Legion, and then of these hate groups murdering his father in cold blood. Such a tragedy most certainly had a profound impact on Malcom, and his perception of the white man. To make matters much worse, his mother began to breakdown at the hands of the white man. After his fathers death, Malcom's mother was left having to take car... Malcolm X Essay -- segregation, discrimination   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Malcom X was a man known widely for his strong beliefs. His willingness to accept the preaching of Elijah Muhammad and serve him loyaly, was due to his past experiences with the white man. Starting off as a boy in Lansing, next moving to Boston, then living in Harlem, his experinces with various white people shaped his belief system. Towards the end of his life, his interaction with group of very different white people on his pilgrimage brought about a change in his beliefs   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While Malcom X was born in Omaha, Nebraska, most of the important events in his younger years took place after his family moved to Lansing, Michigan. This move occurred after a group of whites burned down their house while 'the white police and firemen came and stood around watching as the house burned to the ground' (p. 3), and were more interested in about the pistol Malcom's father used to shoot at the fleeing arsons. In Lansing, Malcom's father preaches the teachings of Marcus Garvey and his 'Back to Africa' movement. His earliest memories in Lansing are of his family being harassed by the Klu Klux Klan and the Black Legion, and then of these hate groups murdering his father in cold blood. Such a tragedy most certainly had a profound impact on Malcom, and his perception of the white man. To make matters much worse, his mother began to breakdown at the hands of the white man. After his fathers death, Malcom's mother was left having to take car...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Morality and Importance of Moral Values

Raising a family in a society that is fast-paced and ever changing can make it confusing to know just which values to teach your children. As a general rule, it’s up to you to teach your children what to believe, and how they should live their lives. But when it comes to teaching and instilling moral values, I’d love to pass on a few values to teach your children from a young age. These are simple and common everyday values that are quickly fading from our younger generation. Read on to discover what they are!1. RESPECTOne of the most important values to teach your children is respect. Having worked in several daycare facilities, I’ve seen children who have no respect for authority at all. It’s exasperating to the teacher, and to the parent when they arrive to pick up their kids. By teaching your kids respect, you are doing the world, yourself, and your child a favor! Life will go much easier for them with a little respect under their hat. If you have got to give a speech on moral values you have to stress the significance of moral values in life and should never ignore them. Here are some things you may use so that you can present this essential subject to your audience.You can say moral values are necessary because the Bible instructs us to be moral. Actually, during history moral values have been the foundation of our education. First of all mom and dad, then school, and finally universities and colleges were instructing us to be kind, honest, sincere, warmhearted, and so on. Religion used to be one of the most effective instruments to instill moral values into people. Religion has been getting rid of its impact in many states around the globe. These days it is still vital to many, but only for a segment of lots of societies. Moral values are still widely used as a debate topic, but regrettably they are often no that significant for a lot of people.The importance of moral values in life is one thing nobody can seriously argue with , despite the fact that today it is a popular practice. Many well known film and popular music superstars, political figures, and other successful people speak about liberal values – freedom of expression, religious beliefs, a hedonistic lifestyle, etc. Their point is that individual freedom is the most significant value to fight for! No person can  make you do what you do not want to do, so you are free to be bad or kind, sincere, or not – it is your individual decision, and everyone have to appreciate it.That is why it's acceptable to abuse alcohol, take drugs, and be impolite, rude or even cruel – if you prefer to act like that, it is your right. Freedom is the only value! Needless to say, liberal values are not that awful. The problem is they in some way destroy the moral foundation of the modern society. When the Bible is no longer the primary instructor of moral behavior, at least, for Christians, there's a risk people will stop thinking about moral valu es as important.This is currently happening in most liberal democratic nations in comparison to traditional Eastern ones, where the religious impact of Islam is still big. We may discuss the political regimes of those states, and the exercise of individual freedom and human rights there, but there’s a thing most people will agree with – they stress the importance of moral values in life; it's the key component of their tradition.Speech on Moral Values and the Importance of Moral Values in Life: Are They truly Important?In your speech on moral values you have to find out the actual importance of moral values in life. In the modern world of income oriented individuals it's hard to stay a moral person; nevertheless it's not extremely hard. Many do. Every single day we hear that a lot of people are murdered by criminals; in a number of states they brazenly shoot and kill rival gangs members on the streets all simply because of money.Cash is the value. Not kindness or princ iples. Not morals. Greed for money is the only driving force of these people! Every single day we see how people tell a lie, do everything possible to have the job they need, even it demands that they do something awful, against the law, or immoral. Young men try to have a girl they wish without any idea about moral values. This ought to help you with materials for your speech on moral values. We realize the significance of moral values in life, don’t we? And right now, after having a short speech on moral values, we're ready to write a moral values essay.Moral Values Essay: Writing TipsWhen writing your moral values essay do not forget to stick to the structure. Your essay should contain an introduction, a body paragraph and a conclusion. Moreover, your moral values essay should present your own point of view on the topic. In fact, you may use the ideas listed above and support them with your additional thoughts. When summarizing your essay, give your readers a clear conclus ion on the importance of moral values in our life.Speech on Moral Values and Moral Values Essay: HelpIf you continue to think your speech on moral values or your moral values essay can not be done without qualified help, or you simply lack the spare time to do it on your own – professional writing company is ready to assist you! We have authors skilled in different disciplines. Furthermore, all of them have a Masters degree or a PhD; so composing an essay or a speech for university won't be a problem for them. It'll be created from scratch in accordance to your recommendations and within your deadline.Besides, you'll also get: Absolutely free on-line 24/7 help. Free of charge proofreading and editing. Free of charge preview of the primary page of your order. The possibility to pick the best writer for your task. You manage the progress of your order, and can easily make corrections. A warranty the work will be plagiarism free. All this is offered at an inexpensive price as we understand students are on restricted budgets.Do not think twice to post your order now and get the finest grades for your written task! We always do our best to please our customers.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Black Social Movements Essay

The political and social structure of the United States can be difficult to comprehend. How does one rationalize that in 1776, America declared its independence from England by stating, in part that â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness,† yet, in 1818, in the very same country, Frederick Douglass is born a slave? (Jefferson, 2004 p. 612; Library). It appears that under certain circumstances, it is not self-evident that the Right to Liberty is unalienable. Fortunately, America has progressed, and while it would be difficult to support the position that Blacks have arrived at a point of complete equity with Whites, it is safe to say that giant strides have been made, but these strides have required action in the form of organized social movements. Blumer (1939) stated that â€Å"social movements can be viewed as collective enterprises to establish a new order of life. They have their inception in the condition of unrest, and derive their motive power on one hand from dissatisfaction with the current form of life, and on the other hand, from wishes and hopes for a new scheme or system of living† (p. 199). This analysis captures the meaning and significance of today’s Black social movements: that while the Black community now enjoys an increased equality and level of privilege when compared with what it was allowed in the recent past, there remains significant ground to be covered before true parity can be reached. The awareness of this need within the Black community has created both unrest and dissatisfaction, but past successes in the fight for social equality have nurtured a desire for even more change. One of the most influential areas of modern, American society is the media—specifically television—and it is here that an important social movement can be traced: the increased inclusion of Blacks on T. V. During the 1950’s, shows like I Love Lucy, The Honeymooners, and Dick Clark’s American Bandstand all premiered (List of years in television). Each of these shows featured characters and storylines that dealt with an America that was portrayed as White. Moving into the 1960’s, a time of great advances in the Nation’s struggle for racial equality, the television fare featured the premier of The Dick Van Dyke Show, Green Acres, and the original Star Trek (List of years in television). This decade’s entertainment also featured a predominantly White world-view; however, Star Trek’s promise â€Å"to go where no man has gone before† was as much a testament to the people, issues, and possibilities that were at the forefront of social improvement as it was a reference to space travel (Star Trek: The Original Series). To the credit of Star Trek’s creator, Gene Roddenberry, his multi-racial, multi-gender crew, included Nichelle Nichols as Lieutenant Uhura, a stunning, articulate, high-ranking, black woman whose role it was to keep lines of communication open. This was a step in the right direction for Blacks as it allowed White America to absorb a new concept: Blacks are intelligent, responsible, and worthy of authority; they do not exist merely to dust, clear tables, and act as the butt of jokes. Currently, the face of television has become far more diverse, and there are networks such as BET (Black Entertainment Television) that cater to and feature Blacks. It is my belief that the change that has taken place in television media over the last half-century can be attributed to the increased awareness of those who once had sole control of the medium (Whites), coupled with the increase in buying power of Blacks, and the desire on the part of Blacks to assume command of part of television (e. g. BET). The fact that Blacks desire greater representation and control within television media is part of the ongoing, modern social movement towards equality that the Black community embraces. What does this all mean? Primarily, it means that social changes come about slowly, pushed by two forces: natural social change, and active social movements. It was natural that at some point someone would include a character like Lieutenant Uhura in a series, but along with this natural progression, more action was needed. There was only one Uhura on television, but there were thousands of Black women like her out in the world. This is why networks such as BET are so important: they represent an active social movement in the Black community; an insistence that part of the focus, part of the power, and part of the control be in the hands of Blacks. It may be true that our Nation’s Declaration of Independence seemed to say one thing but represent another; however, Frederick Douglass survived the mixed message and went on to contribute significantly to American history and ideals. Today’s Blacks are aware of a truth Douglass understood: that to make strides, one must work within the framework of the majority, while never doubting the singular strength of an individual’s effect on a nation. Without the early encouragement of his Master’s wife, Douglass may not have been introduced to the desire to learn, but that desire led Douglass to greater pursuits (Douglass, 2004, pp. 62-65). The Black community is now represented in local, state, and federal government: a sign that the community is working individually (i. e. running and voting), and within the framework of the majority (i. e. the established government and its rules) to improve its position within the United States of America. Schools are filled with a variety of ethnicities, both in front of the classroom and seated within it, and Blacks are embracing the need to educate themselves to ensure better jobs, financial success, and future opportunities. Essentially, the focus of today’s Black social movements can be viewed as those actions that fall within the context of the majority’s framework and are designed to allow members of the Black community greater parity within this frameowrk. At the same time, these actions are being encouraged and supported on an individual by individual basis, so that the overall strength of each person can be added to the collective, and both might benefit from natural social change as well as active social movements. References Blumer, H. (1939). Collective behavior. In R. E. Park (Ed. ), An outline f the principles of Sociology. (pp. 199). New York, NY: Barnes and Noble. Douglass, F. (2004). Learning to read and write. In Comley, N. , Hamilto, D. , Klaus, C. H. , Scholes, R. , & Sommers, N. (Eds. ), Fields of reading: motives for writing. (pp. 62-66). Boston, Mass. : Bedford. Jefferson, T. (2004). The Declaration of Independence. In Comley, N. , Hamilto, D. , Klaus, C. H. , Scholes, R. , & Sommers, N. (Eds. ), Fields of reading: motives for writing. (pp. 612-615). Boston, Mass. : Bedford. Library of Congress, The. The Frederick Douglass papers. Timeline. Retrieved September 12, 2006, from http://rs6. loc. gov/ammem/doughtml/timeline. html. List of years in television. (2006, September 11). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved September 12, 2006, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/ List_of_years_in_television. Star Trek: The Original Series. (2006, September 11). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved September 12, 2006, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/ Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Main Street by Sinclair Lewis †Literature Essay

Main Street by Sinclair Lewis – Literature Essay Free Online Research Papers Main Street by Sinclair Lewis Literature Essay Evil and corruption can lurk just below the surface where we least expect it, the intensity and fever of living in places one might propose as perfect and peaceful can drive people to act in very disturbing ways. Main Street by Sinclair Lewis is the tale of a woman from the city who marries a small town man and moves into that town with him. As the book discusses, it has always been an American myth that the small towns were idealic, prosperous and peaceful. â€Å"This is how people keep up the tradition of the perfect home-town, the happy boyhood, the brilliant college friends. We forget so.†1 However, the picture that Lewis paints of the small town is one of racism, fear, and hatred. One where hate crimes are readily accepted so long as done in the name of the Republican Party and what they view to be biblical. Where neighbors spy on each other, watching for anything to gossip about, and use this gossip to destroy people’s lives. Where women are held to an unrealistic standard while men are allowed to do as they please, so long as what they please does not involve socialism. But perhaps most dangerous of all, it is an environment that slowly absorbs those who come to it and bite them with th e â€Å"Village Virus† until they become as twisted and wicked as those around them. Yet, from non-fictional sources it appears as though Lewis was not exaggerating his case at all. That in fact, these attitudes and these acts were embraced, where performed and the Gopher Prairie that Main Street resides within is not even the worst of all possible cases. One of the biggest topics the villagers of Gopher Prairie talk about with a sense of fear is that of Socialists. The town lives off of milking the farmers, if the farmers were ever to organize then those of the small town would lose quite a bit of their wealth. As put in the words of the character Jack Elder â€Å"Lord knows what’s come over workman, nowadays- don’t appreciate a good job†¦ What they ought to do is simply to hang every one of these agitators, and that would settle the whole thing right off.† 1 Although Jack Elder’s suggestion of hanging is said in frustration rather than a declaration of real intent, in reality there were such an attitude in the United States in those days and sometimes those words were acted upon. Fredrick Lewis Allen in his book Only Yesterday describes an event where â€Å"the patrioctic citizenry took out of the jail a member of the I.W.W- a white American, be it noted- and lynched him by tying a rope around his neck and throwing him off a bridge.† 2 Although this was a single event, it certainly showed that socialists in general were being targeted and summarily executed by mobs. This seems to be a strange contrast, mobs of the lower classes attacking and killing those who would work for the good of the lower class. However, business men have the ability to speak much louder than a ragtag group of political uprisers and can stir up quite a bit of fear and discontentment. The citizens often stood not so much against what the socialists wanted for fear of their own loss of profit like Jack Elder, but often because of fear of their own safety. The socialist movement in Russia had taken off and was quite successful. It seemed to many Americans that socialism would sweep across Europe and jump over the Atlantic. â€Å"They seriously thought- or at least millions of them did- that a Red revolution might begin in the United States the next month or next week, and they were less concerned with making the world safe for democracy than making America safe for themselves.† Thus the American people as a whole quickly turned on and viciously assaulted those amongst them who would stand up against their oppressors and try to create a better world for them and their children. During World War I, the difference between a socialist and a German could hardly be understood by the average American citizen. Despite the fact that the Germans were in an imperialistic system that put them directly at odds with the Socialists, the average citizen was ignorant enough of the world to not be able to understand the difference. Further, any American with German descent would be targeted and attacked as they were expected to be a German sympathizer regardless of what else their family had done. This is illustrated very blatantly in Main Street when it states â€Å"Cy got much reputation by whipping a farm boy named Adolph Pochbaur for being a ‘damn hyphenated German’†¦ This was the younger Pochbauer, who was killed in the Argonne, while trying to bring the body of his Yankee captain back to the lines.† 1 Thus the village cheered on the brattiest child in all their midst for beating a very patriotic and heroic American citizen simply for his racia l heritage. However, a person with a different heritage and who would be critical of the United States in time of war may well have been considered to have a death sentence on their head. In Only Yesterday it mentions an event where â€Å"a jury in Indiana took two minutes to acquit a man for shooting and killing an aien because he had shouted ‘To hell with the United States’† 2 German descendants were not only attacked and beaten, but often they were forced to buy war bonds even if they could not afford to do so. This too is illustrated in Main Street when after his wife dies a near-penniless Sweedish Socialist leaves town and it is said of him, â€Å"the citizens’ committee ought to have forced him to be patriotic- let on like they could send him to jail if he didn’t volunteer and come through for bonds and the Y.M.C.A. They’ve worked that stunt fine with all these German farmers.†1 Thus the anti-German fever was at such a high point that they were considered to be freely open to be beaten while at the same time expected to prove themselves to be more patriotic than any of the Yankees would themselves. The roles of men and women were kept very separate and stringent as well. While the walls preventing a woman from going to college had been broken down, a woman was expected to dress a certain way and was immediately to blame if anything should happen to her. In the clothing area, one area that seemed to have obsession in the early years of the twentieth century was a woman’s ankles. When Cy is speaking of Carol early in the book he says â€Å"some ankles she’s got, heh?† 1 which causes Carol in turn to feel like â€Å"she was being dragged naked down Main Street† 1 Later it is spoken about the new dances and clothing, â€Å"We used to waltz and dance contra dances. None of these new jigs and not wear any clothes to speak of. We covered out hides in those days; no tight skirts like now.† However, if they did not like the cut of Carol’s dresses then, they would be appalled at what could come shortly later. In Only Yesterday it says â€Å"a f ashion-writer reported in the New York Times that â€Å"the American woman†¦ has lifted her skirt beyond any modest limitation,† which as another way of saying the hem was now all of nine inches above the ground† 2 The skirts continued to go higher and higher during the twenties. However, the fashions of men were similarly held in check. When a Swedish tailor comes into down they speak of him â€Å"isn’t he the perfect lady though! He talks so refined, and oh, the lugs he puts on- belted coat, and pique collar with a gold pin, and socks to match his necktie† 1 They refer to this boy, Erik, as ‘Elizabeth’ for the rest of his stay in town. However, he is soon chased away only to end up becoming a movie actor later. Only Yesterday states that â€Å"Short-haired women, like long-haired men, are associated with radicalism, if not with free love.† 2 Actions of women were similarly held in check. In Main Street, it tells of the town school teacher who is escorted to a dance by one of her students. The student gets drunk and then tries to molest her as he drives her back home. Yet, despite that she did everything as she should have as soon as rumors surface she is fired from her job and finds it impossible to get work elsewhere. It is said by the most sympathetic party, â€Å"Not any of us would believe a word Cy said, not if he swore it on a stack of bibles, but still, after all this gossip, Miss Mullins wouldn’t hardly be the party to chaperon our basket-ball team† 1 Thus gossip itself would prove to be a woman’s undoing. These acts were brought to light through the small town tradition of watching one’s neighbors looking for anything that could be construed against them. Carol feels in the book as if â€Å"Enemies leered through the windows, stole on her from the hall.† 1 Only Yesterday says t hat the code of the day was that â€Å" â€Å"Women were the guardians of mortality; they were made of finger stuff than men and were expected to act accordingly. Young girls must look forward in innocence (tempered perhaps with a modicum of physiological instruction) to a romantic love match which would lead them to the alter and to living happily ever-after; and until the â€Å"right man† came along they must allow no male to kiss them. It is expected that some men would succumb to the temprations of sex, but only with a special class of outlawed women† 2 A good deal of this break-down was from those who has returned from war. â€Å"In France, two million men had found themselves very close to filth and annihilation and very far from the American moral code and its defenders; prostitution has followed the flag and willing mademoiseels from Armentieres had been plentiful; American girls sent over as nurses and war workers had come under the influence of continental manners and standards†¦ It was impossible this generation to return unchanged when the ordeal was over.† Thus the very war that those of the old ways had encouraged and shouted on, the war they had attacked and killed dissenters over became the wooden stake to end the old ways themselves, or at least put them under for a time. However the most insidious thing about small town life that Main Street speaks of is that which it calls the Village Virus. â€Å"The Village Virus is the germ which- it’s extraordinarially like the hook-worm- it infects ambitious people who stay too long in the provinces.† It goes on to describe that the virus cuts people off from the literary and political world until they have found that they have become as small-minded and simple as the people they looked down upon. Those who lived in the town of Gopher Prairie always spoke of it as if it, and they in turn, were perfect. It would seem as though from looking at Only Yesterday as though all contained within the pages of Main Street was not at all an exaggeration of the situation. The people of the town were so caught up in mob mentality while watching to make sure no one else strayed from the flock, that they were completely oblivious to their own problems and short comings. But while they professed all was perfect in their town, none were truly very happy. When asked for help to fix up the town, one of its oldest residents unknowingly lets out his true opinion, â€Å"I’ve had people that have traveled all over the world tell me time and time again that Gopher Prairie is the prettiest place in the Middle-west. Good enough for anybody. Certainly good enough for Mama and me. Besides! Mama and me are planning to go out to Pasadena and buy a bungalow and live there.† 1 Research Papers on Main Street by Sinclair Lewis - Literature EssayNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraWhere Wild and West MeetThe Spring and AutumnEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationTwilight of the UAWHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andQuebec and Canada

Monday, October 21, 2019

Arthur Miller essays

Arthur Miller essays An Analysis of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman and The Price When people accept an ideal to live by it can be a glorious and noble thing unless they become so obsessed wi the the ideal that it becomes a yolk and they are unable to realize their dream.. This is especially true for two characters in Arthur Miller's plays Death of a Salesman and The Price. In these two plays Miller portays two lower-middle class men , Willie Loman and Victor Franz, respectivelly, who each live by an ideal that ultimately is self-defeating. Willie lived to pursue the American dream rather than living the American dream and Victor lived to serve and be decent rather than living a noble and decent life. They pursed their ideal rather than living it and thus they are unable to succeed. Willie Loman, in Death of a Salesman,, has lived his life in pursuit of the American dream. Traditionally the American dream meant oppurtunity and freedom for all, and Willie believed that. However, hard work could not ea rn him everything that he wanted or thoght he deserved. Willy judged himsel and those arround him by theit material accumulation, as is demanded by capitalism and the protestant work ethic. The ethic demands accumulation and work as signs of favor in the eyes of god. Thus in order to please god and himself he had to accumulate wealth and objects. The consumer oriented society in which Willy lives will not allow him to live the American Dream. Willy is fascinated by accumulating things. His desire fior goods makes him want objects that he neither needed nor could afford. Willy thinks that he needs to buy his wife a new refrigerator and new stockings even though she is content with what they have. As he tries to live the American dream he venerates those who have been successful at doing so, l ike Thomas Edison, B.F. Goodrich, and Ben, his succesful brother. Furetheremore he punished those who did not work towards that ideal or accomplish it ,such as Biff, ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Could Care Less versus Couldnt Care Less

Could Care Less versus Couldnt Care Less Could Care Less versus Couldnt Care Less Could Care Less versus Couldnt Care Less By Maeve Maddox My article about the loss of Thou received some comments on the use of could care less instead of couldnt care less. My choice to write Shakespeare could care less was a deliberate one. I felt that could care less was more euphonious than couldnt care less and sounded a bit cheekier. I thought that by now either form of the idiom was acceptable. How wrong can a writer be?! So wrong that a Google search of the phrase could care less garners 1,930,000 hits. Some of the discussions are quite impassioned. Although the newer form of the expression meaning not to care at all has been widely-used for some time, many people still regard it as an uneducated error. Paul Brians, English professor at Washington State University, points out in an interview with Avi Arditti the difficulty of dealing with idioms that are in the process of changing: the problem is that as [a new idiom] evolves, you get caught as a user between people who are going with the new pattern and those who know the old pattern and are comfortable with it. Cautions Brians, some people will disapprove or think less of you if you say it [the new] way. He concludes that speakers and writers may choose to use the newer pattern, but that they do so at a certain risk because people who are bothered by the new pattern may be in a position to hire them, or grade their papers, or reject them as social equals. The Oxford dictionary already recognizes could care less as an American colloquialism. Many people, however, regard it as incorrect since it makes no logical sense (if you could care less it means that you care at least a bit). What do you think about it? Have your say in our Poll! (RSS readers will need to visit the site to take the poll). Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Avoid Beginning a Sentence with â€Å"With†15 Types of Documents40 Irregular Verbs That Can End in â€Å"-t†

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Money and happiness Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Money and happiness - Research Paper Example Also, it has been observed that with an increase in the wealth of a state, the individual happiness hasn’t increased to the same extent. Thus, it may be concluded that happiness increases with the increase in wealth but not at the same rate. To further analyze the argument, the works of Kesebir, Easterlin and Lane will be studied so that logical conclusion can be deduced. Kesebir (6) explores the rationale and logic behind happiness; that is how to find true happiness and what truly comprises of the notion of happiness. He is of the view that the idea of happiness has evolved over the years where it was equated with luck during the Homeric era, transformed to pleasure during the enlightenment era and can be equated with an act as little as owning a warm puppy in the contemporary era. However, the idea of happiness in its essence may not be as simple as that. In this context, over time contrasting views have been presented to explain what may constitute a happy life. Democritus argued that happiness is more of one`s state of mind, while Socrates and Plato disagree with this presumption and rather ought to give an objective meanings to happiness, i.e. virtue and goodness of life. On the other hand, the hellinistic view disregards virtue as a yardstick of happiness. In the enlightenment era, when a more secular shape was regarded to the concept of happi ness, ideas like maximum utility and pleasure principal began over-shadowing the explanation to what may be called a happy life. Though the philosophers in the field agree on the difficulty associated with the idea of understanding the true definition of happiness, they have come up with a few parameters which may help in explaining the concept. Kesebir (8) regards that these parameters include life satisfaction, satisfaction with significant domains of life, positive effect and lower levels of negative effect.

Nervewire case study Introduction and conclusion only Essay

Nervewire case study Introduction and conclusion only - Essay Example They must also be able to solve conflict along the way without compromising the quality of the project. Nervewire Inc is a management consulting business that was created as a new business with the vision of doing this business differently than anyone else was. Their goal was to supply ideas to fortune 500 companies and Malcolm Frank had the vision to get there. His first goal was to hire a team that fit the culture of the company and people he knew he could work with. He also planned to bring together people with ideas and creativeness and those that were willing to dedicate themselves to the project. He hired Kirk Arnold as COO because of his prior success and his abilities to see the future. Frank was successful in his endeavor of building an effective team and his new business grew quite rapidly. This paper will discuss Nervewire, what was important about how they built their business and how the two personalities of Frank and Arnold drove their company to success, surviving and growing through a major recession. Nervewire is a new company that has survived the recession. Created with success in mind, they became and have remained successful. Malcolm Frank had a vision and hired a man name Kirk Arnold who helped fuel that vision.

Friday, October 18, 2019

You Decide Activity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

You Decide Activity - Assignment Example This would be effectively done by increasing lending rates to commercial banks. This will in turn serve to reduce the money supply in the public. Once people have money, they can invest moderately and in addition create job opportunities. In addition, the governments should also sell treasury bills in order to decrease money supply in the economy. Another very effective monetary policy is use of the credit multiplier (Taylor, 2007). When the reserve ratio is increased, there will be less availability of money for credit hence the supply of money will be under control. Adjusting rates of interest is of great significance in controlling an increase in the gross domestic product of the economy. Inflation significantly devalues a country’s currency because goods will be highly priced. The problem of inflation can be avoided by stabilizing the dollar. Taxation is also an alternative approach to controlling inflation (Carbaugh, 2011). If the money supply is very high in the economy, taxation should be increased to control the supply of money in the market. Increased market operation is another that will control the supply of money hence assisting the country regain an economic balance (Taylor, 2007). At times controlled economic recessions are good as they cure the problem of inflation. One measure that would help completely deal with the current economic problem would be to stimulate the economy especially through lower tax rates. Producers will be motivated to produce more and as a result restore the economy. In addition, the government should try to increase its public expenditure without at first considering the budget deficit. Commercial banks should be motivated to create more funds for

Organizational Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Organizational Conflict - Essay Example The current Interactionist View of Conflict believes that conflict is not only a positive force in a group but that it is absolutely necessary for a group to perform effectively. An example of a criminal justice agency in the midst of functional conflict would be underscored by a number of factors including increased group performance, improved quality of decisions, stimulation of creativity and innovation, encouragement of interest and curiosity, provision of a medium for problem-solving, creation of an environment for self-evaluation and change. From data collected from 159 presentence reports, a Midwestern county's felony cases were grouped according to certain variables including race, socioeconomic status, age, criminal record, and marital status of the offender (Douglass 1979). Results showed the severity of bond and plea bargain correlated highly to race. Clearly, vice operations in criminal justice agencies are in the midst of dysfunctional conflict where the development of discontent, reduction of group effectiveness, retarded communication, reduced group cohesiveness and infighting among group members overcomes group goals. We have discussed the differing interpretations of organizational conflict through three viewpoints: the Traditional View, the Human Relations View, and the Interactionist View of organizational conflict.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Debate on the Compromise of 1850 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Debate on the Compromise of 1850 - Essay Example Championed by Henry Clay it set off fiery and intense debates. Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts, and the Senator from South Carolina, John C. Calhoun, entered into a debate on the Senate floor during March of 1850. Though each man was against slavery on moral grounds, they were on opposite sides of the debate. At the heart of the debate, the saving of the Union, they were in agreement. Yet, the methods they advocated to reach that end were in opposition. Protecting the Union from dissolving was the central issue and the reason for the compromise. Both men met in favor on this and both men could see the looming threat of secession of the Southern States. Webster sees the impending violence and warns against flirting with the possibility when he states, "There can be no such thing as a peaceable secession. Peaceable secession is an utter impossibility". Calhoun, while in agreement, took a more pragmatic approach and said, "It is only through a long process, and successively, that the cords can be snapped until the whole fabric falls asunder." Calhoun, from the South, was guarding against further agitation of the North and also guarding against alienating his Southern constituency. Calhoun's speech is highlighted by what he sees as the unfair treatment of the South by the North. With slavery prohibited in the unorganized territories and the provisions of popular sovereignty, he decries the dwindling political representation that the South has in Washington. He further puts forth the notion that the South generates a preponderance of the revenue that goes into the pockets of Northern industrialists. His speech is centered around the theme that the South must be satisfied in order to remain a useful section of the Union, and it was the responsibility of the North to rectify past wrongs and promote a more equitable system. Webster, on the other hand, does not recognize the imbalance in justice between the North and the South. Webster believes that the tensions arise from the North's unwillingness to accept the slavery in the South. He dismisses Calhoun's insistence that the South is being mistreated by saying, "These are disputed topics, and I have no inclination to enter into them". Webster saw slavery, and the South's ownership of the issue, as the central issue. But beyond the simple notion of slavery, both men agreed that the tensions were being promoted by abolitionists geared toward arousing anti-slavery feelings in the south. Webster was politically bound to show some public support for the Whig slave owners that he was courting for national support, while Calhoun needed anti-abolitionist support at home. Though the main issue of the Compromise of 1850 was the problem of the Texas territory and it's claim on New Mexico, neither man chose to highlight it in their speech. Another critical issue, the Fugitive Slave Act, was detailed by Webster but Calhoun chose to ignore the issue. Webster blamed the North for a lack of will in enforcing the laws that they were sworn to uphold. Webster's notion was to give the South their slavery, enforce their traditions, and they would go away quietly and exist in harmony with the North. Calhoun saw the turning point from a different perspective and believed that no compromise was possible as long as the North did not politically recognize the contributions of the

Mendel and Darwin are the Fathers of Molecular Biology Coursework

Mendel and Darwin are the Fathers of Molecular Biology - Coursework Example In this experiment, Mendel only used only the color of flowers to study inherence. Mendel attempted a second study using the pea seeds. He wanted to decipher the inheritance of seed shape. He crossed the seeds had smooth coats with wrinkled seeds. The result of this cross was that all plants had smooth seeds. Mendel then self-crossed the smooth-seeded plants. The progeny of these fertilization showed that many plants had smooth seeds and only a few wrinkle-seeded. Mendel tried a third experiment. In this case, he used pea plants, which differed in two characteristics. The two traits of comparison were color and shape of the seeds. The pure breeds were smooth, yellow seeds and wrinkled green seeds. After the first cross, Gregor observed that, that all the plants were round in shape and yellow in color. When he self-fertilized these offspring, Mendel the plants from this cross were different. The seeds were, round-yellow, wrinkled-yellow, round green, and wrinkled green. This surprised Mendel. He later concluded that there were ’factors’ responsible for transfer of traits from one generation to another. He went ahead to reveal that the some of the traits did not appear in the first generation. However, the masked traits reappeared in the subsequent generations. Gregor coined his first principle based on the observations of monohybrid crosses. This was the principle of segregation. This principle meant that, there was division of what initially were two factors during the gamete formation process. Using results from a cross of two contrasting traits, Mendel came up with the principle of Independent Assortment. This principle alludes to independent inheritance of alleles. Although Mendel did not provide the word gene at that time, he proposed that there were factors passed from generation to the other. Figure 1 below is an illustration of the principle of segregation. P represents the parental generation. They are purple and white in color. In the fir st generation, their offspring are all purple in color. However, the cross of these individual off springs results to reappearance of white flowered plants. This indicates that the white trait did not get lost. Figure 2 shows laws of independent assortment, the parental traits are round yellow and wrinkled-green. Their offspring demonstrate a variety of characteristics. Nine out of sixteen are round yellow, three are round green, three yellow wrinkled and only one wrinkled green. Figure 1. Illustrates the Principle of segregation Figure 2 indicates the law of independent assortment Charles Darwin is famous for the evolutionary theory. In his book, ‘The Origin of Species’ he proposes the theory of natural selection. Darwin believed that all organisms evolved from previous ones. The theory holds that, organism develop adaptive mechanism to fit well to their immediate environment. Darwin used breeding experiment to understand variation. In his selective experiments, he not iced that there was accumulation of variation in some organism, which enabled them to survive better to the environment than the ones that did not accumulate variation. With each successive breeding, Darwin discovered that there was a new group of organism, which had acquired strong characteristic. Darwin concluded that nature caused the accumulation of good traits in organisms that allowed them to fit well to environment. This clearly implies that nature

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Debate on the Compromise of 1850 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Debate on the Compromise of 1850 - Essay Example Championed by Henry Clay it set off fiery and intense debates. Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts, and the Senator from South Carolina, John C. Calhoun, entered into a debate on the Senate floor during March of 1850. Though each man was against slavery on moral grounds, they were on opposite sides of the debate. At the heart of the debate, the saving of the Union, they were in agreement. Yet, the methods they advocated to reach that end were in opposition. Protecting the Union from dissolving was the central issue and the reason for the compromise. Both men met in favor on this and both men could see the looming threat of secession of the Southern States. Webster sees the impending violence and warns against flirting with the possibility when he states, "There can be no such thing as a peaceable secession. Peaceable secession is an utter impossibility". Calhoun, while in agreement, took a more pragmatic approach and said, "It is only through a long process, and successively, that the cords can be snapped until the whole fabric falls asunder." Calhoun, from the South, was guarding against further agitation of the North and also guarding against alienating his Southern constituency. Calhoun's speech is highlighted by what he sees as the unfair treatment of the South by the North. With slavery prohibited in the unorganized territories and the provisions of popular sovereignty, he decries the dwindling political representation that the South has in Washington. He further puts forth the notion that the South generates a preponderance of the revenue that goes into the pockets of Northern industrialists. His speech is centered around the theme that the South must be satisfied in order to remain a useful section of the Union, and it was the responsibility of the North to rectify past wrongs and promote a more equitable system. Webster, on the other hand, does not recognize the imbalance in justice between the North and the South. Webster believes that the tensions arise from the North's unwillingness to accept the slavery in the South. He dismisses Calhoun's insistence that the South is being mistreated by saying, "These are disputed topics, and I have no inclination to enter into them". Webster saw slavery, and the South's ownership of the issue, as the central issue. But beyond the simple notion of slavery, both men agreed that the tensions were being promoted by abolitionists geared toward arousing anti-slavery feelings in the south. Webster was politically bound to show some public support for the Whig slave owners that he was courting for national support, while Calhoun needed anti-abolitionist support at home. Though the main issue of the Compromise of 1850 was the problem of the Texas territory and it's claim on New Mexico, neither man chose to highlight it in their speech. Another critical issue, the Fugitive Slave Act, was detailed by Webster but Calhoun chose to ignore the issue. Webster blamed the North for a lack of will in enforcing the laws that they were sworn to uphold. Webster's notion was to give the South their slavery, enforce their traditions, and they would go away quietly and exist in harmony with the North. Calhoun saw the turning point from a different perspective and believed that no compromise was possible as long as the North did not politically recognize the contributions of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

10 comparisons between Traditional Project Management, Adaptive Essay

10 comparisons between Traditional Project Management, Adaptive Project Framework (APF), and Extreme Project Management (XPM) - Essay Example Into the bargain, APF’s change is progression to an efficient solution similar to TPM but EPM has no progression change. The APF model offers increased business value in a certain time compared to EPM model. EPM needs processes to start over from the original beginning point hence no value to the business. However, TPM also brings more value to the business. TPM has a fixed scope, while APF and EPM have a variable scope. TPM hates change while APF embraces change but EPM drives the change since it is necessary. On planning TPM is driven by a fixed plan while APF and EPM are driven by Just in time form of planning. TPM has a good breakdown structure, while APF has a middle level work breakdown structure but EPM has no work breakdown structure (Wysocki 297-488). What’s more all changes in APF and TPM are temporary while EPM are permanent. At the same time the focus by APF is drawn towards delivery of products compared to EPM and TPM which are focused on the actual work itself. Lastly, there is partnership strategy between the entire stakeholders which is critical in APF compared to EPM which lacks collaboration and TPM which has minimal partnerships. These can be summarized in the table

Monday, October 14, 2019

Debut albums - Life Essay Example for Free

Debut albums Life Essay This is a phrase, a philosophy phrase that is about living, daily living. But what do you think it really means or should we say what is the hidden meaning about it? Why just living is not enough? Living is not enough because we need to experience all the things we can. Simple as to explore the world or the things that was given to us by our beloved GOD. We need to experience all good, better and best, bad, worse and worst. From worst to best to know what the word LIFE truly means. It also doesnt mean we need to do crimes in order to experience bad things, its just like problems, wounds and etc. We and I consider it as bad things because I dont like any of that happen to me. Just living is not enough†¦. We need to explore and find the true meaning of life. He who hesitates is probably right. This is a philosophy that we can use daily, why? Because this is about decision making. And we always make decision in every aspect of our life. As a student I can relate in this because of our recitations in school. We always hesitate before we raise our hands to answer. We will suddenly know that our or my answer is right because someone answers it. And its too late to get the credit. The philosophy above is trying to teach or to tell us that if we have ideas, share it, tell it, explain it because we will never know if our ideas is right if we dont try it. Not only for students but all individuals around the globe. Human life is purely a matter of deciding whats important to you. This Philosophy is saying human life always choose whats important to you. But why? All individuals are different from each other, different tastes, likes, dislikes and many more. But we all have similarities, we always choose whats important to us in every problem that comes in our life. For some instances, family problems like marriage and your family doesn’t want your fiance or fiancee, you will decide whats MORE important to you your family or your love one? If you choose your family, then go and its also the same if you choose your love one. I understand in this philosophy that this our instict that we always choose whats important to us but it never assures us that what is important will be the best for us. Only friends can answer your calls everytime of day that matter. This is a simple philosophy that is about friendship. If we first read it, we will quickly understand what it means. But what do we understand? We all know we have many friends in our life, friends in school, friends in the neighborhood and many more. We also know not all friends are real, just like this saying says Some friends are gold and some friends are silver. The philosophy above is trying to tell us that only TRUE and REAL friends can answer your calls no matter what your problem is. The friends that are there for you no matter what. No matter what time of day it is, you could call them and theyd be there for you. And its true, they are the ones that matter. The people who you can really rely on to be there for you are the ones that should matter in your life.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Criminal Evidence Essays -- essays research papers

Evidence is the key element in determining the guilt or innocence of those accused of crimes against society in a criminal court of law. Evidence can come in the form of weapons, documents, pictures, tape recordings and DNA. According to the American Heritage College dictionary, evidence is the documentary or oral statements and the material objects admissible as testimony in a court of law (476). It is shown in court as an item of proof, to impeach or rehabilitate a witness, and to determine a sentence. This paper will examine two murder cases, O.J. Simpson and Daniel Taylor. Perhaps the most famous case in the 20th century was the O. J. Simpson double murder trial. On June 12, 1994, two people were brutally killed. Those two people were Nicole Brown Simpson, O.J. Simpson's ex-wife, and Ronald Goldman. O.J. was arrested the next day and charged with their murder. O.J. pleaded innocent to murder and went to trial in criminal court. There was a load of evidences at the residence of Nicole’s to charge him with two counts of first degree murder and it seemed almost impossible for O.J. to be found innocent. There were loads of evidences found at the scene and O.J.’s home. The bodies of both Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman, blood of the victims, shoe prints and other evidences. But, one of the main evidence was the questionable bloody glove found behind the guesthouse, which was proven by DNA testing to have O.J.'s, Nicole's and Ron's blood and hair on it. Fibers were also found on the glove that came from O.J.'s shirt and his Bronco (CNN). In addition, a bloody footprint which matched O.J.'s shoes, blood on O.J.'s Bronco door, on the console, on the interior side of the door, a bloody footprint in the Bronco, bloody socks in O.J.'s house, O.J.'s injured finger, blood found at Nicole's condo that matched O.J.'s, and so on (CNN). But, the defense claimed that the evidence had been planted. Eyewitnesses are also an important piece of evidence. Allen Wattenberg, a knife storeowner, testified during the preliminary hearing that O.J. bought a 14-inch Stiletto knife from his store. O.J.'s limo driver arrived to drive O.J. to the airport and saw a black man, with the same build as O.J. sprinting across the lawn towards O.J.'s house. When O.J. answered the door, he said he'd been napping (CNN). Simpson's houseguest stated that he saw Simpson pulled up in the white bro... ...ture on the bond slip appeared to be Taylor’s signature. Unlike O.J. there was no DNA linking him to the crime scene or the bodies. Again, all the evidences pointed favorably toward Daniel Taylor and despite the evidences presented, the jury found Taylor guilty of murder. In closing arguments, Needhand and Bishcoff sought to discredit the officers who had testified for Taylor, accusing them of covering up sloppy record keeping for fear they would be blamed for letting Taylor leave jail early to commit murders (Chicago tribune). In addition, the prosecutor used Daniel’s confession on tape to convict him. â€Å"Paperwork is not foolproof,† Bishcoff, the prosecutor, said. But I’ll tell you what is foolproof. And what is foolproof are the defendant’s own words† (Chicago tribune). REFERENCE â€Å"DNA Fingerprinting† (1997) Encarta Encylopaedia 1997 â€Å"Blood truths, Why the Police Want to Tag Your Body† Helen O’Neill, The Australian 6.12.1997 â€Å"Flaws in New DNA Database† Simon Kearny, The Sydney Telegraph 22.04.2001 â€Å"Jail For Rapist Caught by DNA† Noula Tsavdaridis, The Advertiser 21.10.2000 The American Heritage College Dictionary, 3rd edition, 1997, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston MA, 476. Criminal Evidence Essays -- essays research papers Evidence is the key element in determining the guilt or innocence of those accused of crimes against society in a criminal court of law. Evidence can come in the form of weapons, documents, pictures, tape recordings and DNA. According to the American Heritage College dictionary, evidence is the documentary or oral statements and the material objects admissible as testimony in a court of law (476). It is shown in court as an item of proof, to impeach or rehabilitate a witness, and to determine a sentence. This paper will examine two murder cases, O.J. Simpson and Daniel Taylor. Perhaps the most famous case in the 20th century was the O. J. Simpson double murder trial. On June 12, 1994, two people were brutally killed. Those two people were Nicole Brown Simpson, O.J. Simpson's ex-wife, and Ronald Goldman. O.J. was arrested the next day and charged with their murder. O.J. pleaded innocent to murder and went to trial in criminal court. There was a load of evidences at the residence of Nicole’s to charge him with two counts of first degree murder and it seemed almost impossible for O.J. to be found innocent. There were loads of evidences found at the scene and O.J.’s home. The bodies of both Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman, blood of the victims, shoe prints and other evidences. But, one of the main evidence was the questionable bloody glove found behind the guesthouse, which was proven by DNA testing to have O.J.'s, Nicole's and Ron's blood and hair on it. Fibers were also found on the glove that came from O.J.'s shirt and his Bronco (CNN). In addition, a bloody footprint which matched O.J.'s shoes, blood on O.J.'s Bronco door, on the console, on the interior side of the door, a bloody footprint in the Bronco, bloody socks in O.J.'s house, O.J.'s injured finger, blood found at Nicole's condo that matched O.J.'s, and so on (CNN). But, the defense claimed that the evidence had been planted. Eyewitnesses are also an important piece of evidence. Allen Wattenberg, a knife storeowner, testified during the preliminary hearing that O.J. bought a 14-inch Stiletto knife from his store. O.J.'s limo driver arrived to drive O.J. to the airport and saw a black man, with the same build as O.J. sprinting across the lawn towards O.J.'s house. When O.J. answered the door, he said he'd been napping (CNN). Simpson's houseguest stated that he saw Simpson pulled up in the white bro... ...ture on the bond slip appeared to be Taylor’s signature. Unlike O.J. there was no DNA linking him to the crime scene or the bodies. Again, all the evidences pointed favorably toward Daniel Taylor and despite the evidences presented, the jury found Taylor guilty of murder. In closing arguments, Needhand and Bishcoff sought to discredit the officers who had testified for Taylor, accusing them of covering up sloppy record keeping for fear they would be blamed for letting Taylor leave jail early to commit murders (Chicago tribune). In addition, the prosecutor used Daniel’s confession on tape to convict him. â€Å"Paperwork is not foolproof,† Bishcoff, the prosecutor, said. But I’ll tell you what is foolproof. And what is foolproof are the defendant’s own words† (Chicago tribune). REFERENCE â€Å"DNA Fingerprinting† (1997) Encarta Encylopaedia 1997 â€Å"Blood truths, Why the Police Want to Tag Your Body† Helen O’Neill, The Australian 6.12.1997 â€Å"Flaws in New DNA Database† Simon Kearny, The Sydney Telegraph 22.04.2001 â€Å"Jail For Rapist Caught by DNA† Noula Tsavdaridis, The Advertiser 21.10.2000 The American Heritage College Dictionary, 3rd edition, 1997, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston MA, 476.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Ethics of Xenotransplantation Essay -- Morals Science Biology Essa

The Ethics of Xenotransplantation 1. Introduction to Xenotransplantation Xenotransplantation is the process of taking cells, parts of organs, or even whole organs from one species of animal, and implanting them into another species. The FDA has given their own definition of xenotransplantation which they say is â€Å"any procedure that involves the transplantation, implantation, or infusion into a human recipient of either live cells, tissues, or organs from a non human animal source, or human body fluids, cells, tissues or organs that have had ex vivo contact with live non human animal cells, tissues or organs.† The main interest of the practice is to be able to take organs from animals for the purpose of using them in humans in need of organ transplants. It is still a relatively new medical phenomena, with documented cases of the practice only taking place since 1906. 2. The Case The case at hand is whether or not we should use xenotransplantation in humans. It is a rather controversial topic that has brought up strong feelings in parties on both sides of the argument. One of the main arguments of the people who are for xenotransplantation is that there is a large shortage of organs available for transplant, and that animal organs could provide enough spares to satiate the need. A recent figure given by the FDA is that currently 13 people die per day in the U.S. because of the lack of organs available for transplant. Meanwhile, one of the arguments of those people against xenotransplantation stems from animal rights. Some people feel that it is wrong to use animals in such a way and that there is a great potential for animal abuse. A marker to the seriousness of the current need for donor organs is that ac... 1998. <> 3. United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS). "U.S. Facts about Transplantation." Nov. 2000. <> 4. Koshal, Arvind. "Ethics Issues in Xenotransplantation." University of Alberta. 1993? <> 5. Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research. "FDA Approach to the Regulation of Xenotransplantation." 19 Oct. 2000. <> 6. National Academy Press. "Xenotransplantation: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy." 1996. <> 7. Michaels, Marian. "Defining the Risks and the Risk Reduction Strategies." 27 Feb. 1998. <>

Friday, October 11, 2019

Financial Markets Assignment

FINANCIAL MARKETS & INSTITUTIONS ASSIGNMENT 1. Explain how interest rates decline following major Fed purchases of mortgage-backed securities. The FED implements quantitative easing by buying financial assets of longer maturity, e. g. , mortgage-backed securities, from commercial banks and other private institutions in order to inject a pre-determined quantity of money into the economy. This is a means of stimulating the economy and lowering longer-term interest rates further out on the yield curve; quantitative easing increases the excess reserves of the banks, and raises the prices of the financial assets bought, which lowers their yield.Graphically, this can be explained with the aid of Figure below. The supply of money is shifted from point 1 to the right (MS1 to MS2) and, all else equal, the new equilibrium point (with aggregate money demand curve) is at point 2, where the interest rate is lower. i i1 i2 AD1 MS1 MS2 Quantity of Money 2. What could be the implications of lower in terest rates for households and businesses? By implanting the policy of purchasing mortgage-backed securities, the FED has set its sight on increasing consumption and investment, which will ultimately increase employment.As described in question one Bernanke’s policy decreased interest rates to new record lows, encouraging borrowing for both businesses and households. The ability to borrow money at more attractive rates stimulates investment in durable consumer goods, such as automobiles, and in operational necessities such as buildings and capital equipment for businesses. Indeed, after the implementation of the policy mortgage applications increased significantly.Because of low interest rates households and businesses as investors could shift their preference away from bonds and into stocks. According to frbsf. org, the increase in stock trading volume has the effect of raising the value of existing stock portfolios, which in turn stimulates consumer and spending across the country due to the psychological effects of rapid capital appreciation. Lower interest rates can have negative effects on the value of the local currency compared to other currencies.As foreign investors dump their local-denominated investments in favor of more profitable currencies, exchange rates can shift to the detriment of the local currency. The weakening of the local currency serves to increase the attractiveness of local goods to foreign purchasers, which has the effect of boosting exports and international sales. All of the factors mentioned above have the combined effect of increasing productive output, or GDP, and increasing employment across a wide range of industries.As individuals, businesses and foreign investors are encouraged to spend more due to increased access to capital, higher portfolio valuations and weaker currency values, businesses in nearly every sector experience an increase in sales, often requiring them to grow their operations and employ additional la bor. However, there are some negative implications from this policy. Without a strong commitment to control inflation over the long run, the risk of higher inflation is one potential implication of experiencing real interest rates below the economy’s natural interest rate.Low interest rates provide a powerful incentive to spend rather than save. In the short term, this may not matter much, but over a longer period, low interest rates penalize savers and those who rely heavily on interest income. If short-term interest rates are low relatively to long-term rates, households and firms may overinvest in long-term assets, such as Treasury securities. If interest rates rise unexpectedly, the value of those assets will fall (bond prices and yields move in opposite directions), exposing investors to substantial losses.Finally, low short-term interest rates reduce the profitability of money market funds, which are key providers of short-term credit for many (large) firms, e. g. the c ommercial paper market. 3. Explain the Fed’s policy dilemma and try to rationalize why unemployment in the US is stubbornly high while inflation is low. Based on the theory of the Philip’s curve diagram we notice that there is an inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment. Stated simply the lower the unemployment in an economy the higher the rate of inflation.Philip’s Curve Inflation Unemployment The explanation of the inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment is based on two assumptions. The first has to do with the fact that as unemployment rises there is no room for workers and labor unions to demand an increase so a wage inflation that would increase the prices of the final products cannot occur. Secondly high unemployment is a reflection of the decline in economic output and indicates an economy’s slowdown. Therefore competition among firms in recession will lead the prices at lower levels.But this is not the case currently in the US since we observe high unemployment and low inflation. The FED is concerned about the unemployment rate and in an effort to stimulate the economy and improve the labor market conditions it started implementing the quantitative easing policy. So the FED purchased MBS, helped banks to rebuilt their balance sheets, contributed into maintaining price stability, preserved interest rates near zero for more than three years, and prevented the economy from slipping into greater recession. Despite all these efforts the situation in the labor market did not improve.Apparently the fact that unemployment is still very high depicts the limitations of the monetary policy. The low business confidence, policy uncertainty, and the government’s reluctance to act are beyond the FED’s capacity. What is more the infinite use of the quantitative easing may produce undesirable effects in the long run such as stagflation. The only optimal solution under these circumstances is the co ordination of the FED’s monetary policy with the government’s fiscal policy plan that could boost the society’s confidence. . Do you think that another round of quantitative easing (QE) by the Fed would help stimulate the US economy? Please explain. The FED declared that the use of QE will be aggressively continued until the economy is improved. The cash injections into the economy helped interest rates to remain at low levels. Consequently everyone wins from this decision in the short run; homeowners can borrow at historical low levels of interest rate, corporations can also take advantage of this act and invest, consumption increased and also the banks increased their profits and the stocks record a growth. So as long as the QE is active in the short run everyone is a winner. But in the long run things become vague. First of all historical evidence shows that despite the fact that interest rates may be at levels near zero it remains uncertain whether this wil l be the incentive to boost the actual economy. Secondly the fact that consumers will have more money to spend but fewer goods to buy might lead to a hyper inflation.Furthermore by repeating the use of QE is very possible to lead to a liquidity trap, unless the economy finds ways to stimulate production. Last but not least the FED’s decision to inject cash into the economy by purchasing MBS is questionable; Mortgage backed securities entail the risk of defaulting once again as they did in the real estate crisis and that would cost the Americans a lot more money repeating the history that started back in the September of 2001. To sum up the use of QE is indeed very effective but only in the short run.Short periods of economic recession can be avoided by stimulating the economy temporarily through cash injections but to maintain growth on the real economy we need to improve labor market conditions, productivity, innovation and bolster the economy’s confidence. So a combi nation of fiscal and monetary policy is the only way to prevent an economy from collapsing, and also is this is the only way to avoid a possible systemic risk that will negatively affect all the institutions and individuals. . How is a loose Fed monetary policy in the US affecting fundamentals (such as inflation, asset and commodity prices) in other countries? What does that imply about global monetary policy? Since the dollar is the vehicle currency in the global economy almost every country is tied to its value and everyone is affected by the monetary decisions of the FED. By the QE, the supply of dollars is increased and consequently the dollar depreciates against foreign currencies.This means that America’s exports will increase and on the contrary the imports will decrease. So countries trading with the US fear about the capital inflows and the possible inflation on commodities. On the other hand the FED support that there can be no further inflation since the global eco nomy is in recession. Moreover countries experiencing huge capital inflows resulting in inflation can implement fiscal policy, such as imposing taxes, in order to contain the effects of foreign capital inflows which push up local stock prices and the currency itself.Every country should focus on its own monetary policy adjusting it to the problems that may experience. For example the US chose to inject more money in the economy. The results of such a decision are low interest rates, more exports but always with the risk of inflation. On the other hand a country experiencing high inflation might limit the money supply, increasing the interest rates with the risk of experiencing a decline in exports.